Public Hearing Scheduled for I-65 Safety and Efficiency

Participants can sign up to share comments

Indianapolis, IN (July 9, 2024)A public hearing is scheduled for later this month for I-65 Safety and Efficiency, an Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) project that will bring improvements to I-65 on the southeast side of Indianapolis.

Wednesday, July 24, 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. | Presentation at 6 p.m.

Frederick Douglass SUPER School 19

2020 Dawson St., Indianapolis, IN                                         

The public hearing will offer the opportunity to comment on the preliminary design plans and the environmental document for the I-65 Safety and Efficiency project. I-65 Safety and Efficiency is expected to reduce corridor congestion, improve traffic flow, and improve safety along the corridor.

The hearing will be open house format with a project presentation planned for 6 p.m. Immediately following the presentation, public statements for the record will be taken as part of the hearing process. All verbal comments will be recorded during the hearing and addressed in the final environmental document.

Project Overview

The nearly 5-mile project corridor begins north of the I-465 interchange and ends just north of Fletcher Avenue. The project includes added capacity, bridge improvements, pavement patching and resurfacing, and improvements to multiple drainage structures.

One lane will be added in each direction between I-465 and I-70, largely utilizing the existing shoulders. The Hanna Avenue bridge over I-65 will be replaced and include a sidewalk and multi-use trail. The Morris/Prospect Street bridge over I-65 southbound will be rehabilitated and include wider sidewalks. The I-65 northbound bridges over Naomi Street and E. Pleasant Run (North and South) parkways will be widened, and the I-65 northbound bridge over Morris/Prospect Street will be rehabilitated and widened. Sidewalk improvements are also planned.

Comment Period

A Categorical Exclusion, Level 4 (CE-4) environmental document has been prepared for the project. The environmental documentation and preliminary design information is available to view prior to the hearing at the following locations:

  1. Garfield Park Branch Indianapolis Public Library, 2502 Shelby Street, Indianapolis, IN
  2. Southeast Community Services, 901 Shelby Street, Indianapolis, IN
  3. Tube Factory Artspace, 1125 Cruft Street, Indianapolis, IN
  4. Frederick Douglass SUPER School 19, 2020 Dawson Street, Indianapolis, IN
  5. INDOT Greenfield District Office, 32 South Broadway, Greenfield, IN

Comments on the environmental document will be accepted through Friday, August 9 as part of the formal comment period.

Written comments may be submitted prior to the public hearing and within the comment period to Parsons, 101 West Ohio Street, Suite 2121, Indianapolis, IN 46204, attn. Anna Wainscott.  Comments can be shared online at

With advance notice, INDOT can provide special accommodation for persons with disabilities and/or limited English-speaking ability and persons needing auxiliary aids or services such as interpreters, signers, readers or large print.

Should special accommodation be needed, please contact Anna Wainscott, public involvement specialist, at (574) 526-3052, or email

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